As an organization, you want to convey the message that you're willing to go above and beyond customer expectations to provide them with the best possible service. To do this, you can make yourself available to your clients after hours when you're out of the office. If you're in sales, it's in your best interest to maintain consistent communication with prospective customers. If you're in customer service, you want to be able to answer questions or solve problems when they occur.
This is critical for small or midsize business where the loss or acquisition of a customer can have a dynamic impact on your company's revenue. If you don't have adequate telecommunications solutions at your organization, an issue can arise when you are away from the office that can put your business reputation for great customer service at risk.
Your clients and prospects likely know you by your office contact information. They email your business address and they call your company phone extension. You can add your cell phone number to your business card and give it out to new customers, but giving clients the same number you use for personal reasons could be a risk. It doesn't align with the company's brand and telecom infrastructure. It could even come off as unprofessional. Additionally, if you're trying to maintain a relationship with a prospect and you give them two numbers to remember, it could limit the chances of them actually calling you.
With a small business VoIP system, you can alleviate this risk by connecting your personal devices to your office line. This means your contacts will only need to call one number. Your prospects and clients can call your direct office number and you will be able take their calls while at lunch or on your commute to and from work or at home. Most manufacturers or Hosted providers call this capability "Find me Follow me" or "Presence". This allows you to provide the above-and-beyond service that might be required of your company without blurring the lines between work and your personal freedom.
This is one reason why VoIP for small business can improve productivity. An article in Voip-Info addresses this.
"Those who use VoIP solutions generally only need a good high speed Internet connection in order to use their phone," the article says. "These days finding Internet access is quite a simple task no matter where one may be. VoIP provides business with the capability to use the phone via Internet access and maintain contact with business clients and other employees simply and cost effectively. This is another great reason to purchase VoIP capable items and get started on the way to top notch business dealings and increased productivity."
It's an ideal solution because it's easy to use and has the benefits necessary to provide your customers with the service they need.