Most people understand that cloud based services are the future of computing and doing business. Storing and sharing data in this environment will provide numerous benefits that simply can't be realized in any other environment. However, the security risks associated with the cloud still linger, and could ultimately prevent the technology from taking its rightful place as the leader in enterprise technology.
A number of those opposed to the cloud have offered their opinions regarding its legitimacy as a technology in the enterprise. Rajat Bhargava, co-founder of JumpCloud, a cloud security startup, gave a statement about the issue, indicating that businesses can't fully trust the security of their information if it's in the cloud because they don't hold it in their physical possession.
"There's no more debate," Bhargava says. "When you don't own the network, it's open to the rest of the world, and you don't control the layers of the stack, the cloud – by definition – is more insecure than storing data on premises."
Regardless of the sentiment, the fact remains that cloud computing will have to become more secure to ensure companies are getting the most out of it. If used correctly, the cloud can be a more secure environment than a physical location. Data stored in the cloud is unlikely to become compromised if an incident takes place at an office building. The cloud, if secure, can lock out any criminal activity. It's up to businesses to ensure their cloud infrastructures are properly protected. Working with a cloud based services provider will help keep information saved in this environment more secure.